Blood Pressure Screening
High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in adults. Over time, it may cause damage to the heart and blood vessels. The risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and eye damage is higher in people with untreated hypertension. Since high blood pressure may be present without symptoms, blood pressure screening at regular intervals is important.
What is a Normal Blood Pressure?
A normal blood pressure is less than 140 systolic (the top number) and 90 diastolic (the bottom number). The systolic pressure is measured when the heart is pumping and the diastolic pressure is measured when the heart is at rest.
What if My Blood Pressure Screening is Abnormal?
Your physician will probably ask you to keep a blood pressure log for several weeks or months. In addition, a healthy diet and regular exercise will be the initial focus on lowering your pressure. If that fails and your log reveals a chronically elevated blood pressure, you may need to be started on medication. Good control of your pressure is essential to a normal life especially as you age.
Treatment is available now at Well-Key Urgent Care.
For more information on blood pressure screening, see the following websites:
WebMD Overview on Hypertension Review of Hypertension
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